Saturday, April 16, 2011

Study Models:

In this first study model I placed the residential unit in the left area of the building while allowing for a open lobby space with private library and computer room to the right of that, and the guest rooms are situated in the right of this building. The residential unit was too small in this example and I didn't like the break up of private spaces on both sides of the public space. Also the lobby was not as opened up as I had imagined but the general location of the lobby space works well in the heart of this building.

This study model represents a commercial kitchen and dining space to the left allowing for easy access to the covered patio area outside. the lobby has been divided up with a big "X" which has derived from my concept model. This creates the major hallways through the lobby space. To create emphasis, I made the reception desk the only curved element in the lobby. The residential unit is placed behind the reception area and then the guest rooms are to the right off a main hallway. This model represents Public to private space very nicely by allowing all the public spaces to be more open and towards the street corner side of the building.
This study model is very similar to the second one in the Public spaces to the right. As for the residential unit this is now placed all the way to the right of the building, allowing for a residential entryway on that far side of the building away from the commercial Bed and Breakfast establishment main entryway. This plans circulation works the best and divides public and private spaces up again very nicely. Also in this plan I was thinking about back to back plumbing walls by having guest bathrooms share a plumbing wall to make the overall layout more functional overall. The reception desk needs to be moved closer to the front door, which will be an easy fix by just switching it with a lounge area. Overall this plan is the best representation of my concept ideas into a 3D study model.

Concept Development- Concept Model:

Final Parti Used for Concept Model development.

While building my 3D concept model I used the idea of emphasis on light while creating a supporting structure that let the warm glow radiate out but not to escape. The yellow pom pom ball in the center was used to show that light is delicate, and soft but very powerful and bold at the same time. The glow is soft but the color makes it stand out and shine beyond its boundaries. The wood pieces represent the main structural supports and the idea that light is natural and an organic element. The red material shows the texture of overlapping lines and allows viewers to see inside this form from all angles. These two materials create a contrast between the bold red color of the plastic and the natural light wood which catches one's attention. The use of repeating geometric shapes allows for a sense of comfort within the design and creates this secured environment for the light.

Concept Development- Textile:

The lantern was my chosen inspiration because it emphasized light and showed contrast with materials and colors nicely. As I abstracted this object I generated words such as glow, support, and security, which highlighted the main aspects of this fixture.
This is one of my preliminary parti sketches that represents those keywords visually. The circle represents the soft glow of light and it is positioned so that it is secured within repeating lines that radiate out from this source of energy. The straight lines represent support and structure for the circles, protecting this delicate form while still allowing for a sense of openness inside.
Once the parti was made into a pattern, new forms are created that enhance the concept behind this idea. The circles have been fully surrounded in areas creating an even more sense of shelter within its structure. Also the "X" shape is created and holds four circles within itself still representing the structure holding the glow but now incorporating more light and emphasizing it more as a focal point.

Once color is applied to the parti the sense of light radiating from the circle shape is more apparent by using a warm analogous color scheme. The vibrant colors help make this pattern stand out to represent how bold light is.

The final parti represents the glow of light radiating out into a supporting secure structure just like the lanterns warm light shines out but never leaves is comforting boundaries.

My final textile design is very bold and catches your attention immediately just like the glow of light does. The Parti was a decently sized 8"x8" square. I wanted the parti to be big so the idea of light as a focal point would be more present. The Bold idea of this parti really stands out in this scale and I am really happy with how it turned out. Overall this textile represents light with a contrast between the soft glow and the supporting structural fixture of my inspirational object