Monday, March 29, 2010

A Corner in My Dorm Room

This is a sketch of a corner in my dorm room which is not perfect in any way shape or form. Looking back at this sketch now after a couple of weeks shows me that I could improve upon straightening out my lines and fixing angles. The outlets on the right wall for example are not at the proper angle to be correctly placed there. I need to work on my vanishing point, which would ultimately make everything straighter and right like they need to be to become more realistic. However, I do like all the little details I put into this sketch which was fun for me to do. I could have perhaps placed more on the right wall and on the front carpet space which seems very blank and bare creating a lot of negative space.
Overall this sketch was done in pencil with some variation in line weights and shading. In my next sketches I would like to see myself work on varying and expanding on both of this techniques more to improve my sketching abilities. I picked this sketch because it was so simple and just shows a corner of my room which was then barely decorated. This also will be a good sketch to later look back on after my sophomore studio drawings of more interior spaces.

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